Devastation at the property of Steve Harrison and Janine King, December 2019
TACA Board met on Wednesday 5 February 2020 at TACA Office, Alexandria, NSW.
The recent summer of devastating heat, intense and extensive bushfires, and then flooding, has impacted everyone, most crucially those who lost houses and work spaces. Through this stressful time TACA provided a hub for keeping the Australian ceramics community up-to-date with news, to connect and support each other, and to share links to fundraising opportunities for potters with significant losses. The Board thanks Vicki Grima for her efforts during what is usually the Xmas and New Year shut down.
TACA donated 8 Australian Ceramics Online Masterclasses to Clay for Australia, a fundraiser (organised by Vipoo Srivilasa) for Australian potters which raised over $49,000. On behalf of TACA, I would like to acknowledge all who have suffered and express my admiration for the strength and care shown by the ceramics community. See our website page for links to ongoing fundraisers and upcoming events.
Australian Ceramic Online Masterclasses Series 3 will be managed in-house with four Victorian tutors now confirmed – David Ray, Ruby Pilven, Sophie Moran and Pie Bolton. We will be working with a local filmmaker from Melbourne.
Layout for The Journal of Australian Ceramics 59/1 is underway from mid-February to mid-March, with the April launch to be held in Canberra on Thursday 2 April. Details TBA. The focus for this issue is Contemporary Practice.
CERAMIX, TACA’s members’ exhibition at Manly Art Gallery & Museum, is getting closer with preparations proceeding to make it an incredible show. It opens on 29 May.
The website upgrade for www.australianceramics.com is underway to make usage more streamlined and layout more consistent.
TACA is currently evaluating the awards and prizes we support through educational institutions and competitions to ensure we are covering as many regions as possible.
Updated policy and governance documentation is nearly complete with regular reviews scheduled. The Strategic Plan will be available on the new website shortly. The Board and Executive Officer are working closely with the plan to achieve our first year’s goals.
The EOI for the 2025 Australian Ceramic Triennale has been released, in which community groups and organisations can express their interest in hosting the Triennale in their region.
The next TACA Board meeting will be held in Canberra on Friday 3 April at 2pm.
Dr Cathy Franzi President
Image: Devastation at the property of Steve Harrison and Janine King, December 2019
We welcome these new TACA members who joined between 11 December 2019 to 27 February 2020:
Sarah Douglass, Karen Morrison, Zenaida Santos, Rasma Kradzins, Min Shin Song, Julie-Anne van Tatenhove, Michelle Nelson, Anne Allaway, Eliza Munro, Beatrice Quincieu, Japneet Keith, Bonnie Hislop, Jennie Lisha, Kylie Nichols, David Pottinger, Kerryanne Foley, Laura Hayley, Karin Engelien, Diane Tarr, Elizabeth Rose, Hawkesbury Community Arts Workshop, Emily Edwards, Colin Barry, Jen Taylor, Corina Horstra, Shinhee Ma, Mary Valcanis, Angela Hayes, Lee-Anne Peters, Annette Allman, Amiten & Robert O’Keeffe, Sharon Guy, Kim Loines, Daniel Lafferty, Amanda Walters, Rhianna Blake-Steward, Esther Dudley, Centered Ceramics, Louise Ousby and Kirstie Murdoch.
TACA BOARD 2019/2020
Avi Amesbury, NSW – South Coast; aviamesbury.com
Amanda Bromfield, NSW – North Coast; amandabromfield.com
Cathy Franzi (President) ACT; cathyfranzi.com
Kate Jones, VIC; soca.com.au/about/
Janetta Kerr Grant, VIC: janettakerrgrant.com.au
Holly Macdonald, VIC; holly-macdonald.com
Alana Wilson, NSW; alanawilson.com
Secretary: Vicki Grima
Executive Officer: Vicki Grima
Auditor: Dennis Woollam
TACA's Annual General Meeting will be held in September/October 2020.
Like to contact TACA BOARD?
Send an email to mail@australianceramics.com; Subject: EMAIL TO TACA BOARD
The Australian Ceramics Association
PO Box 677 Alexandria NSW 1435
SQ1, 32 Bowden St, Alexandria NSW 2015
T: 1300 720 124; 0419 250 282
E: mail@australianceramics.com