Instagram @australianceramics; 18 March 2021
Image: Instagram @australianceramics, as at 18 March 2021; 63.4K followers
TACA Board met for its first meeting of 2021 on 18 February on the Zoom platform.
Since the last meeting Vicki Grima and Mike Hall have appointed a new bookkeeper, adopted new Xero bookkeeping software, and revised the way in which we view TACA accounts. The next step is to appoint a new external accountant. Once this position has been confirmed, we will ask them to advise on further integration of payment systems and our database to streamline administrative processes. Financially we are tracking well against the 2020/2021 budget, so we can now attend to issues such as staff renumeration.
TACA’s 2020 AGM Minutes (including Annual Reports) are available HERE on our Downloads web-page, with beautiful images and layout thanks to Vicki and JAC designer, Astrid Wehling. TACA Office will not close for 3 weeks in December/January (as has been usual in the past) due to increased workload, the ongoing nature of insurance enquiries and online sales.
Thanks to everyone who participated or attended Australian Ceramics Open Studios 2020 event in November. The ACOS participant survey (post-event) indicated it was a great success with good sales and steady visitation rates, as well as the preference for future events to be held in November. In 2021, ACOS will be held on 13 & 14 November.
TACA office is working on many projects at the moment: TACA’s Biennial Exhibition CERAMIX at Manly Art Gallery & Museum opening on 14 May, the filming of Series 3 of Australian Ceramics Online Masterclasses in Melbourne and planning for The JAC’s 60th Anniversary touring exhibition by the Australian Design Centre. In early April the new issue of The Journal of Australian Ceramics, Vol 60 No 1, will arrive in the post with an accompanying launch to be announced.
Have you looked at TACA’s Instagram account @australianceramics? It’s a quick and easy place to see the breadth and range of work by Australian ceramic artists and potters from all over the continent. Its growth is exponential with currently over 63.4K followers.
An area of the strategic plan we are currently working on is our communication strategy. TACA staff do an outstanding job in many and varied ways to reach out to the Australian ceramics community and the public. We aim to make this communication work both ways through feedback via member surveys and by opening up discussion on forums and at gatherings (online and in person). We are working on a communications framework document to identify how we are achieving our aims and where we can put more focus. We have increased the budget for creating content for social media, PR, marketing, writing and promotional expertise.
Another big item on TACA’s board agenda is developing an innovative mentorship program tailored to our members, within our budget and considering the needs of the broader ceramics community. We have lots of good ideas, but lots to resolve. We’ll keep you posted.
The next Board meeting is Thursday 15 April.
Dr Cathy Franzi
We welcome new TACA members who joined between 25 November 2020 and 17 March 2021:
Lesley Hurley, Carly Mitolo, Jane Cocks, Abbey Jamieson, Rebecca Fitzgerald, Tallaine Goudey, Louisa Anderson, Siobhan McVey, Pip Bell, Tessa Mullen, Michelle Bulloch, Imogen Webb, Charlene Caday, Gary Hambleton, Ruth Elliott, Lily Lindsay, Katherine Combes, Johanna Brockman, Rina Bernabei, Debbie Jurblum, Lauren Joffe, Monica Nash, Jeanette Harwood, Clare Shannon, Amelia Black, Margaret Chapman, Dianne Burling, Eve Grove Smith, Brigitte Baumeister, Laura Pen, Victoria Lynagh, Ann Betts, Sharie-Lee Olver, Alexandra Copeland, John Ferguson, Laura Kleinitz, Sherryn Huf, Bianca Pintan, Carol Bogard, Janice Rochford, Lyndel Henry, Wendy Thompson, Michelle Kirk, Lina Ocolisan, Emina Adriaans, Serena Owen, Kirsty Riddle, Chris Ma, Kate Stevens, The Junction Co, Katherine Haratsis, Gabrielle Powell, Joy Adams, Elsa Jara, Nina Matthewson, Sue Storry, Mary Deutscher, Dawn Beasley, Stephanie Cao, Linda Agresti Hogue, Juliet van Oirschot, Vicki Beavan, Erin Ellis, Patricia Casey, Ellie Gall, Pottery Co Warrandyte and Tina Rolley.
TACA BOARD 2020/21
Cathy Franzi (President) ACT; cathyfranzi.com
Mike Hall, NSW; instagram.com/mikefhall
Kate Jones, VIC; soca.com.au/about/
Janetta Kerr Grant, VIC: janettakerrgrant.com.au
Diamando Koutsellis, NSW; diamando.com.au
Holly Macdonald, VIC; instagram.com/h_ollymacdonald
Alana Wilson, NSW; alanawilson.com
Secretary: Vicki Grima
Executive Officer: Vicki Grima
Auditor: Dennis Woollam
TACA’s next Annual General Meeting will be held in September/October 2021.
Like to contact TACA BOARD?
Send an email to mail@australianceramics.com; Subject: EMAIL TO TACA BOARD
The Australian Ceramics Association
PO Box 677 Alexandria NSW 1435
SQ1, 32 Bowden St, Alexandria NSW 2015
T: 1300 720 124; 0419 250 282
E: mail@australianceramics.com