Graduate to Studio Membership Program
TACA Board met on 15 April 2021 on the Zoom platform.
The Board welcomed new director Diamando Koutsellis who fills a Board vacancy until the AGM later in 2021. Diamando has been a ceramicist for about 25 years and has a wide range of experience including public artwork and art projects with diverse communities. Her perspective will be appreciated.
As you will have seen in TOUCH CLAY WEEKLY we are now offering a GRADUATE TO STUDIO MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM for ceramics graduates who are moving on to studio practice. They can apply to receive one year free TACA membership.
Financially the Association has had a good start to 2021 with a good growth in TACA membership, however due to the increasing costs to produce The JAC, we will need to increase the price of The JAC from $16 to $20. The last increase for the cover price of The JAC was in 2007 when the price went from $14.50 to $16. This will affect both TACA membership fees and JAC subscription fees.
TACA has appointed a new accountant Greg Bartels, principal of Halo Accounting.
The Communication Working Group (Mike Hall, Janetta Kerr-Grant and Kate Jones with Vicki Grima) have developed a framework for communicating with TACA’s audience. It provides an updated structural overview as a checklist and resource when organising communication strategies for established and new projects. Resources have been increased including extra staff hours for creating content for social media, writing and to investigate new ways to best promote TACA activities.
CERAMIX, TACA’s biennial members' exhibition is fast approaching at Manly Art Gallery & Museum. I hope you are able to see this exciting show from 14 May to 20 June. Read all about it HERE.
TACA's partnership project with the Australian Design Centre can now share the title of the national touring exhibition (just one part of this exciting project), SIXTY: Honouring The Journal of Australian Ceramics’ 60th anniversary 1962–2022. Stay tuned for more exciting details.
The latest JAC 60/1 Launch via Zoom is on 1 May, and is another way of connecting with each other. Look out for a link to the recording.
The Mentorship Working Group (Holly Macdonald, Alana Wilson, Mike Hall and Vicki Grima) have proposed an online professional practice lecture/ webinar series as a starting point in offering support to emerging artists and sharing resources and knowledge within the ceramics community.
We were sad to hear of the death of Arthur Rosser and Ray Rogers, potters who contributed a lifetime to the ceramics field.
We have tentatively set the date for TACA's AGM as 7 October 2021 on Zoom.
The next Board Meeting is Thursday 10 June, 2–5pm.
We welcome new TACA members who joined between 18 March and 5 May 2021:
Suemi Chiba, Tasio Sclavenitis, Eleni Chrysafis, Kylie Stoddart, Hilary Hanna, Sian Roberts-Cameron, Louise Zygier, Anthony Chapman, Jane MacGregor, Michelle Merrifield, Gillian Tomasich, Lucia Rucabado, Harri Hunter, Mohamad Tariq Ghoul, Dakota Yewen, Blanche Alexander, Sue Warland, Bruno Bartolo, Mark Gambino, Carole Whitmore, Yenara White, Nerrida Barber, Sofie Neuendorf, Therese Rasanen, Susan Phillips, Koji Hoashi, Fumika Yamamoto, Therese Rasanen, Kattleya Silang, Sammantha Cree, Katherine Brentin, Ray Lightbody & Kristin Burgham.
TACA Board 2020/21
Cathy Franzi (President) ACT; cathyfranzi.com
Mike Hall, NSW; instagram.com/mikefhall
Kate Jones, VIC; soca.com.au/about/
Janetta Kerr Grant, VIC: janettakerrgrant.com.au
Diamando Koutsellis, NSW; diamando.com.au
Holly Macdonald, VIC; instagram.com/h_ollymacdonald
Alana Wilson, NSW; alanawilson.com
Secretary: Vicki Grima
Executive Officer: Vicki Grima
Auditor: Dennis Woollam
TACA’s next Annual General Meeting will be held in September/October 2021.
Like to contact TACA BOARD?
Send an email to mail@australianceramics.com; Subject: EMAIL TO TACA BOARD
The Australian Ceramics Association
PO Box 677 Alexandria NSW 1435
SQ1, 32 Bowden St, Alexandria NSW 2015
T: 1300 720 124; 0419 250 282
E: mail@australianceramics.com