David Ray as captured by the camera of Parker Lev Dupain during the recent Melbourne filming of Australian Ceramics Online Masterclasses Series 3

David Ray as captured by the camera of Parker Lev Dupain during the recent Melbourne filming of Australian Ceramics Online Masterclasses Series 3

by Australian Ceramics
TACA Board News News


by Cathy Franzi, President

TACA Board met via Zoom on 5 August, at a time when much of Australia was in lockdown. My thoughts are with the ceramics community as we deal with another round of income loss, creativity challenges and the further curtailing of access to workshops, exhibition spaces and other opportunities.

At the meeting we discussed the end of financial year results and approved the budget for the coming year. We have had a financially successful year, growing TACA’s reserves. It is the responsibility of directors to manage the surplus and to decide what level of reserve is appropriate. The Financial Working Group will draft an operating reserves policy in consultation with TACA’s accountant for consideration at the next board meeting. At the first meeting after the AGM, we will begin to plan further ways to use funds to invest in projects, programs, our website and valuable services for members, in alignment with the final year of our strategic plan. 

Our webinar project will begin soon, and member Jean McMaster has offered to join our Mentorship Working Group to progress this idea further. Filming of Series 3 of the Australian Ceramics Online Masterclasses finally occurred in Melbourne between lockdowns. Project Manager Montessa Maack worked remotely with the Melbourne team – videographer, Vee, and artists Sophie Moran, Ruby Pilven, Pie Bolton and David Ray. Editing is now underway.

The Journal of Australian Ceramics' July issue was well received and a Journal launch via Zoom was greatly enjoyed by all on 6 August. Stockists of the magazine are on the decline however some good news from the National Gallery of Australia shop where they are culling 90% of their magazines but keeping JAC due to interest and demand.

TACA office has been adapting to various levels of lockdown with staff working from home while still managing a very busy organisation.

Planning continues for the Australian Ceramics Open Studios on 13 & 14 November – fingers crossed.

At our upcoming AGM, two directors will be retiring from the Board, and one needs to re-nominate. This means that there are three positions open for nominations. The AGM is on 7 October 7-9pm via Zoom and our aim is to publish an online Annual Report beforehand for members.

The next Board meeting is Thursday 30 September 2021 from 2-5pm via Zoom.

We welcome new TACA members who joined between 1 July and 20 August 2021:
Jean McMaster, Penelope Beveridge, Sofia Musarra, Sophie Leslie, Margaret Young, Samantha Lopez-Pereyra, Ochre Bodhi, Belinda Wiltshire, Dawn Waswick, Dee Hutchison, Justine Wellman, Gillian Martin, Lucy Schluter, Korina Konopka, Celestine Airey, Jamie Pearce, Linda Rudman, Georgina Lee, Margaret Fenn, Kevin Li, Chandra Paul, Amanda Hunt, Debra Beggs, Tracey Koolen, Margaret Cotton, Christine Pickett, Murray Spriggs, Julie Excell, Stephanie Phillips, Eva Vecchiarelli, Sarah Therese, Katrina Carling, Maiko Pettman, Njalikwa Chongwe, Megan McGee, Bruna Rodwell, Pete Pilven, Barbara Sichlinger-Le Bas, Emily Hogan, Caroline Kronenberg, Lucie Billingsley, Emily Simmons, Joanne Padovan, Gabriela Mello, Kylie Musgrave, Emma Guthrey and Baylee Griffin.

TACA Board 2020/21
Cathy Franzi (President) ACT; cathyfranzi.com
Mike Hall, NSW; instagram.com/mikefhall
Kate Jones, VIC; soca.com.au/about/
Janetta Kerr Grant, VIC: janettakerrgrant.com.au
Diamando Koutsellis, NSW; diamando.com.au
Holly Macdonald, VIC; instagram.com/h_ollymacdonald
Alana Wilson, NSW; alanawilson.com

Secretary: Vicki Grima
Executive Officer: Vicki Grima
Auditor: Dennis Woollam

TACA’s Annual General Meeting will be held on 7 October 2021, 7-9pm via Zoom. 

Like to contact TACA BOARD?
Send an email to mail@australianceramics.com; Subject: EMAIL TO TACA BOARD

The Australian Ceramics Association
PO Box 677 Alexandria NSW 1435
SQ1, 32 Bowden St, Alexandria NSW 2015
T: 1300 720 124; 0419 250 282
E: mail@australianceramics.com

The Australian Ceramics Association
SQ1 Studios, 32 Bowden St, Alexandria NSW 2015
PO Box 677 Alexandria NSW 1435
T: +61 (0)2 9698 0230 (outside Australia)
Contact 1300 720 124

The Australian Ceramics Association acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and First Nations Peoples’ connections to land, sea, and sky.

We recognise that sovereignty was never ceded and that we are on stolen land. We pay our respect to Elders past, present, and emerging, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who engage with the Association, our events, and our programs.

As we gather to listen and speak we are doing so in the home of one of the longest continuous cultures of shared oral storytelling, material wisdom, and artmaking on this planet.