by Cathy Franzi, President
TACA Board met via Zoom on 30 September, in the last meeting before the AGM.
Vicki shared her research into software options for a members-only section of the website. It became evident that a broader investigation is required first, to consider what we want to achieve with this new section of the website and therefore its functionality, and how it might integrate with other TACA services such as membership renewal. The working group will consider the scope and aims of an integrated TACA digital transformation and whether external expertise is required to advise on the process and tools to do so.
TACA office has continued in its dispersed locations and staff are looking forward to the end of lockdown. AGM planning is in place with a Zoom meeting scheduled and the Annual Report for 2021 available on the website ahead of the meeting, compiled with reports from the Executive Officer, President and Treasurer interspersed with beautiful photos of events during the year. Guest speaker Lisa Cahill from the Australian Design Centre (ADC) will speak about progress on SIXTY, the touring exhibition in partnership with TACA to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Journal of Australian Ceramics, including venues, and associated publications and activities. Accountant Greg Bartels worked on the financial Annual Statement with Vicki and Mike and the Australian Ceramics Triennale Ltd had its AGM via circular minutes with Board directors, Vicki Grima, Cathy Franzi and Bron Field.
The Australian Ceramics Open Studios event in November is going to be the busiest yet with more than 184 studios registered to open. Susannah Larritt is compiling regional maps for users to download, and TACA staff member Georgie has focused on updating the community website, ensuring insurance is current for each studio and managing publicity.
A non-member TACA survey was run via the Facebook Forum to seek information on barriers and hesitancy to membership. This provoked discussion on TACA’s reach, and where we could promote the organisation and our members further, such as to chefs, gift and homeware retailers and through trade fairs. Communication and word-of-mouth are key – so please keep spreading the word about TACA and what it offers.
The JAC launch for the July issue was held online on 6 August with 60 people attending on Zoom. Guests included Doomadgee Potters in Far North Queensland, Judith Roberts (VIC), Alicia Butt (SA), and Steve Williams (NSW). The recording is now available on Vimeo. The deadline for submissions for the November JAC issue is now passed with the next issue another bumper.
Discussion was had on ideas for future spending and investment in member services once we gain further guidance on an appropriate operating reserves fund and policy. Ideas put forward ranged from projects to encourage new writers for the JAC, the digital transformation project, additional staffing to keep up with increasing membership and activities, market development, grants for research, community outreach, mentorship and professional advice for future directions. Approval was given to invest in a fully searchable archive of 60 years of The JAC on Exact Editions and to expand the emerging writers’ project which gives opportunities for ceramicists and writers to engage with the Journal and build professional development collaborations with partner organisations such as museums and art galleries.
Preliminary work is happening to develop and document a succession plan. Suggestions put forward by the membership for Life Membership were considered and approved for the AGM. Australian Ceramics Tools for Practice panels are being locked in for a February 2022 launch. ‘Elevenses’, the month-long series of online catchups with members, arose out of a desire to connect with members and see how they were faring during prolonged lockdowns in NSW and Victoria. The aim was to provide a supportive environment to share experiences of dealing with Covid both mentally and financially. Guest presenters brought different perspectives and a strong focus to each session. Feedback was very positive to the series.
I will be speaking in an online webinar hosted by the Aveiro’s Biennial (Portugal), ‘Biennial Next’ on 4 November. Their objective is to discuss synergies between the different Biennials, joint objectives and possible lines for collaborating in the future. I will be speaking about how TACA provides support and structure in facilitating the Australian Ceramics Triennale and the program for the 2022 Triennale in Alice Springs in the NT.
The next Board meeting will be determined by the new Board after the AGM.
We welcome new TACA members who joined between 24 August to 13 October 2021:
Pamela Irving, Taryn Walker, Peter Schmid, Kay Manolas, Lize Myburgh, Christine Monks, Alexia Fisher, Violet Bond, Cathy McMichael, Sharron Mountain, Georgie Anderson, Marian Fox, Stella Sulak, Harriet Geater-Johnson, Janette Alexander, Patrick Keane, Patrick Tanner, Jeni Sleigh, Hayley McDonnell, Kate Bowman, Rhianon Vichta, Cathy Llewellyn, Jenny Holland, Dan Elborne, Tian You, Clay Cartel, Blaithin Lennon, Colette Steindl, Michele Edinger, Ania Anderssen, Christine Pearce, Lyndall Bensley, Kate Brouwer – Asobimasu Clay, Paul Sternberg, Michele Lim, Tracey Piccoli, Wayne Looyen, Gillian Riches and Cindy Tong.
TACA Board 2020/2021
Cathy Franzi, ACT; cathyfranzi.com
Mike Hall, NSW; instagram.com/mikefhall
Kate Jones, VIC; soca.com.au/about/
Janetta Kerr Grant, VIC: janettakerrgrant.com.au
Diamando Koutsellis, NSW; diamando.com.au
Holly Macdonald, NSW; instagram.com/h_ollymacdonald/
Alana Wilson, NSW; alanawilson.com
Secretary: Vicki Grima
Executive Officer: Vicki Grima
TACA’s next Annual General Meeting will be held in September/October 2022.
Like to contact TACA BOARD?
Send an email to mail@australianceramics.com; Subject: EMAIL TO TACA BOARD
The Australian Ceramics Association
PO Box 677 Alexandria NSW 1435
SQ1, 32 Bowden St, Alexandria NSW 2015
T: 1300 720 124; 0419 250 282
E: mail@australianceramics.com