Vicki Grima, Sue Buckle and Trisha Dean (3 JAC Editors) cutting the 60 cake at ADC; photo: Simon Cardwell
by Kate Jones, President
TACA Board met on 10 June on Zoom.
After the thrill of meeting face-to-face in Sydney in April we have retreated back to our screens. Meeting on Zoom is certainly efficient; quicker, kinder on the environment, cheaper. It will continue to contribute to our capacity to work together as a geographically dispersed board.
A proposal for the introduction of an Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) for The Journal of Australian Ceramics (JAC) has been developed by the board and was presented and approved at this meeting. The working group attached to this initiative is now developing guidelines for panel selection and we should have the EAB in place for 2023. The aim is to draw on our community's diverse knowledge and skills to support and enrich the journal.
Congratulations to Laura Dortmans (VIC), Hannah Kothe (NT) and Diana Tung (ACT) whose proposals were selected in the Writer’s Research Project. I am looking forward to reading their articles and would also like to encourage others to think about submitting writing for the JAC.
Montessa, in her new role as Project Support Officer, is working with Vicki to design the next round of the Australian Ceramics Tools for Practice Zoom series. We’re really grateful for the survey responses we received as they gave us plenty of constructive and positive feedback to work with. Montessa is also compiling a tip sheet from each episode in Series 1 and the plan is for these to be available in the new membership platform when it is up and running.
It's the time of year again to think about TACA Life Membership. TACA Board Directors invite Members to suggest those they consider deserving of Life Membership, so that the Directors may then propose up to five Life Members for approval at our next Annual General Meeting to be held on 28 September. Please go HERE to find out more.
All of TACA board will be at the Australian Ceramics Triennale next month and we are looking forward to meeting TACA members in person on Arrernte Country!
Our next board meeting will be held on the Zoom platform on 26 August 2022 at 2pm.
We welcome new TACA members who joined between 15 April – 2022:
Dom Gaudioso, Susan Romyn, Cate Valpiani, Tia Lancaster, Steph Wallace, Holly Jepson, Megan Bray, Arvarna Lowe, Nicole Lotscher, Lachlan Mackee, Mark Woolveridge, Simon Locke, Michelle Carr, Sharyn Vamvakaris, Hannah Whitney, Georgia Zoric, Lucy Lee, Wendy McFadden, Colleen DaRosa, Alison Petelski, Julianne Smallwood, Jodie Finnigan, Kathryn Young, Martina Skalicky, Rachel Bunney, Claire Sunderland, Shirlene Boxall, Lynne McDowell, Bianca Brzezek, Wendy Laigne-Stuart, Joy Grogg, Quentin Malone, Claire Freer, Jolie Simpson, Carly Pascoe, Pauline Bladin, Joseph Collings-Hall, Meg Michell, Danielle Boothroyd and Sophie Francis.
TACA Board 2021/2022
Cathy Franzi, ACT; cathyfranzi.com
Mike Hall, NSW; instagram.com/mikefhall
Kate Jones, VIC, PRESIDENT; katejjones.com.au
Janetta Kerr-Grant, VIC: janettakerrgrant.com.au
Diamando Koutsellis, NSW; diamando.com.au
Debbie Pryor, SA; debbiepryor.org
Secretary: Vicki Grima
Executive Officer: Vicki Grima
TACA’s next Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 28 September at 7pm
Like to contact TACA BOARD?
Send an email to mail@australianceramics.com; Subject: EMAIL TO TACA BOARD
The Australian Ceramics Association
PO Box 677 Alexandria NSW 1435
SQ1, 32 Bowden St, Alexandria NSW 2015
T: 1300 720 124; 0419 250 282
E: mail@australianceramics.com

Our celebratory SIXTY cake at the Australian Design Centre, 31 March 2022