Mastering Hand Building by Sunshine Cobb

Mastering Hand Building by Sunshine Cobb

Mastering Hand Building by Sunshine Cobb – Techniques, Tips, and Tricks for Slabs, Coils, and More takes the reader from pinch pots to coiled boxes to soft slab tableware, showing that mastering hand building can be a lifelong pursuit.

In this book, Sunshine Cobb covers all the foundational skills, with lessons for constructing both simple and complex forms from clay. Ceramic artists will also find a variety of next-level techniques and tips: designing templates and replicating pieces, lidded vessels, using moulds, a variety of decorative techniques, and other avenues of exploration are all inside.

Artist features and inspirational galleries include work from today’s top working artists, such as Bryan Hopkins, Lindsay Oesterritter, Liz Zlot Summerfield, Bandana Pottery, Shoko Teruyama, Courtney Martin, Sam Chung, Deborah Schwartzkopf, and many more.

Mastering Hand Building Contents Page

Publisher: Quarto, 2018
ISBN: 9780760352731
208 pages
Hardback Imprint: Voyageur Press
260 x 208mm

Others in this series:
Mastering Kilns & Firing by Lindsay Oesterritter
Mastering the Potter’s Wheel by Ben Carter

  • Stock available
  • Requires shipping
  • Weight: 820gm

$ 40

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The Australian Ceramics Association
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