Pictorial History of Port Hacking Potters Group – the first 50 years and beyond by Jean Swinyard
This book records the vitality and growth of the Port Hacking Potters Group (PHPG) from its foundation in 1962 to the present day.
PHPG was established at a key point in time in the development of Australian pottery and its history reflects the experimentation and technological change in the world of ceramics over six decades. The extensive archival material of photographs, newsletters, newspaper articles, and catalogues traces the Group’s contribution to these developments through activities such as workshops, conferences and the influence of the PHPG National Exhibition and Competition which has been felt widely since 1962.
In the Foreword two renowned potters, Merran Esson and Susie McMeekin, give their thoughts on the influence of PHPG on the ceramics scene over six decades of competitions and exhibitions and through the energy brought by its enthusiastic members striving for professionalism and excellence in this field.
Publisher: Port Hacking Potters Group 2020
ISBN: 9780646823317
96 pages
Over 200 photographs
200 x 250mm
- Stock available
- Requires shipping
- Weight: 355gm
$ 35
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The Australian Ceramics Association
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