Ceramics Handbook: Low Firing and Burnishing by Sumi von Dassow

Ceramics Handbook: Low Firing and Burnishing by Sumi von Dassow

An essential guide to low firing and producing natural finishes without using glazes.

This book explores the techniques of firing and finishing at low temperature without using glazes or electric kilns. Many ancient cultures and contemporary potters use methods of low firing, adding slips and burnishing pieces to create a more natural finish. As these techniques can be achieved without a kiln, for example using old dustbins, pits dug out of the earth or bonfires, it means that providing you have some outdoor space, the process can be done on a low budget.

With many illustrations of beautiful work by contemporary makers for inspiration, this step-by-step guide to low firing and natural finishes is suitable for potters of all levels, including beginners. Get started in no time with practical approaches to burnishing, terra sigillata, smoke-firing, pit-firing, saggar firing and raku techniques.

Table of Contents

  1. Burnished pottery in history
  2. About burnishing
  3. Burnishing with terra sigillata
  4. Smoke-firing and black-firing
  5. Pit-firing
  6. Saggar firing
  7. Raku firing techniques: horsehair and naked raku
  8. Finishing touches

List of suppliers
Contributing artists

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing, June 2018
Imprint: Herbert Press
ISBN: 9781912217588
Paperback 112 pages
100 colour images
234 x 156 mm

  • Stock available
  • Requires shipping
  • Weight: 510gm

$ 40

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The Australian Ceramics Association
SQ1 Studios, 32 Bowden St, Alexandria NSW 2015
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