Earth & Fire by Kylie Johnson and Tiffany Johnson

Earth & Fire by Kylie Johnson and Tiffany Johnson

Written and compiled by Kylie Johnson and Tiffany Johnson, Earth & Fire captures the diverse beauty and utility of ceramics, demonstrating that clay doesn’t just get under your fingernails; it gets under your skin.

Earth and fire represent the two elements that produce a ceramic object. Without the other they are simply components; together they create both practical objects and pieces of art. Working as both primer and inspiration, the book explores the techniques, practices and tools of over forty-five working ceramicists.

Stephen Bird, Bridget Bodenham, Sandra Bowkett, Kate Bowman, Kevin Boyd, Ray Cavill, Zak Chalmers, Cara Edwards, Dan Elbourne, Mel Eliades, Penny Evans, Janet Fieldhouse, Honor Freeman, Susan Frost, Irene Grishin-Selzer, Bonnie Hislop, Niharika Hukku, Nicolette Johnson, Clairy Laurence, Amy Leeworthy, Dai Li, Erin Lightfoot, rebeca Lindemann, Yen Yen Lo, Sandy Lockwood, Angus McdDiarmid, Kate McKay, Asuka Mew, Pru Morrison, Jo Norton, Jennifer Orland, Serena Pangestu and Anika Kalotay, Sassy Park, Laura Pascoe, Kirsten Perry, Mel Robson, Naoko Rodgers, Jane Sawyer, Anna Scheen, Arcadia Scott, Roshni Senapati, Hyeyoun Shin, Ulrica Trulsson, Clare Unger, Kenji Uranishi, David Usher, Hayley A. West, Katherine Wheeler.

Published 25 April 2023.

Publisher: Thames & Hudson Australia ISBN: 9781760763527
272 pages, hardcover, 237 x 277mm 1.5kg

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  • Requires shipping
  • Weight: 170gm

$ 70

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The Australian Ceramics Association
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