The Journal of Australian Ceramics, Vol 60 No 2, July 2021

The Journal of Australian Ceramics, Vol 60 No 2, July 2021


Editor Vicki Grima says: In this issue we look at ceramics from a local perspective: Claire Ellis talks about the radical reuse of plastic waste from her pottery as a new local material; Tess Kerbel delves deeply into Steve Williams’ practice in anticipation of his upcoming exhibition; Heather Law tells a story of Doomadgee Potters in remote North-West Queensland, Penny Smith visits Potters Croft – the home and pottery workshop of Tim and Tammy Holmes in Dunalley Tasmania, and Robyn Phelan shares with us her clay making ‘residency’ in hotel quarantine. JAC 60/2 also includes our annual National Education Pictorial Survey 2021. This bumper 160-page issue is full to the brim! As always, we squeeze in as much as we can with fascinating articles from every corner of the country.

Contributors to JAC 602: Diane Andrewartha, Peta Armstrong, Peter Atkins, Jane Bamford, Rhonda Banks, Glenn Barkley, Canbora Bayraktar, Tracie Bertram, Felicity Bury, Sophie Carnell, Angela Casey, Kirsten Coelho, Alan Constable, Suzanne Davey, Paul Davis, Peter Deck, Kerry Dews, Doomadgee Potters, Docqment, Jan Downes, Scott Duncan, Helen Dunkerley, Parker Lev Dupain, Lea Durie, Claire Ellis, Yolonde Entsch, Raven Esque, Danielle Farrugia, Leigh Fish, Ann Ferguson, Sai-Wai Foo, Fotochi Photography, Belinda Fox, Neville French, Bridie Gillman, Robin Gurr, Kylie Gusset, Michelle Hailes, Rachael Hanrick, Patsy Hely, Ian Hill, Gary Hodge, Tammy Holmes, Tim Holmes, Hannah James, Kayapa Creative Studio, Kate Jones, Zoe Judge, Neha Kale, Alina Kar, Tess Kerbel, Mel Koutchavlis, Sally Krutsch, KU Peter Pan La Perouse Preschool, Christie Lange, Heather Law, Nelly le Comte, Jennifer Leahy, Kerryn Levy, Judy Lorraine, Bridget Mason, Noel McKenna, Louise Meuwissen, Sassy Park, Robyn Phelan, Belinda Piggott, Greg Piper, Sarah Rayner, Judith Roberts, Emily Rolfe, Natalie Rosin, Arthur Rosser, Carol Rosser, Christopher Sanders, Nien Schwarz, Mara Schwerdtfeger, Penny Smith, Jacqui Sosnowski, Vipoo Srivilasa, Cameron Suttie, Natalie Valiente, Joanne Venn, Gail Vinter, Genevieve Walsh, Eloise White, Ilka White, Doris Williams, Steve Williams, Michael Wingate, Yeliz Yorulmaz and 92 students from 19 tertiary education institutions, and 21 artists from Instagram.

Front cover: Steve Williams, platter, 2021 wheelthrown, ash and shino glaze, twice-fired, 1330ºC, approx. diam.36cm

Published 17 July 2021

Editor: Vicki Grima
Editorial Assistant: Bridie Moran
Graphic Design: Astrid Wehling Proofreader: Suzanne Dean

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  • Weight: 450gm

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The Australian Ceramics Association
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