The Journal of Australian Ceramics, Vol 60 No 3, November 2021
Editor Vicki Grima says: This amazing bumper issue is all about collecting: old (and new) ceramic objects, the raw stuff straight from the ground, as well as how individuals and institutions build their amazing collections. We dip into sink sludge, find out about the venting of kilns and Anne Mossman shares her knowledge about how to prepare for a solo show in a regional gallery. All corners of the country are covered from the Indian Ocean Craft Triennial in Perth to ceramic jewellery in southern Tasmania. And a special treat … we step inside The Powerhouse Museum for a look at CLAY DYNASTY, a new exhibition of their 50-year ceramics collection, now on.
As always, we will squeeze in as much as we can about the diversity of Australian ceramics.
Contributors to JAC 603: Carola Akindele-Obe, Zein Akkad, Chris Armstrong, Golshad Asami, Olive Bishop, Les Blakebrough, Paula Bowie, Mel Brautigam, Anne Brennan, Kristin Burgham, Kunmanara Carroll, Jon Case, Grace Cochrane AM, Peter Cooley, Euan Craig, Dean Cross, Kimberly Cruz, Jodie Cunningham, Eva Czernis-Ryl, Suzanne Davey, Janet DeBoos, Mirjana Dobson, Pippin Drysdale, Parker Lev Dupain, Andile Dyalvane, Helen Earl, Cara Edwards, Mark Ellis, Bern Emmerichs, Sarah Engledow, Penny Evans, Fin Fagan, Janet Fieldhouse, Chloe Forder, Christina Frank, Neville French, Kath Fries, Jackie Gasson, Marea Gazzard, Mark George, Sam Gold, Christina Gollan, Phil Greed, Richard Greenacre, Kelly Greenhalgh, Jan Griffiths, Dr Antony Gross, Kylie Gusset, Dr Karina Hall, Mike Hall, Gwyn Hanssen Pigott, Wen-Hsi Harman, Gerard Havekes, Ebony Heidenreich, Frida Hein, Campbell Hegan, Patsy Hely, Hermannsburg Pots, Steve Hiener, John Higgins, Fiona Hiscock, Ian Hodgson, Neil Hoffmann, Stuart Humphreys, IOTA21, Sandy Jacka, Stephanie James-Manttan, Ian Jones, Kate Jones, Takeichi Kawai, Juz Kitson, James Lemon, Katrina Leske, Col Levy, Scott Livesey Galleries, Anne Lorraine, Judy Lorraine, Sue Lorraine, Ashley Mackevicius, Anniketyni Madian, MAGNT, Mike Mangion, John Maude, Cassy McArthur, Ian McKay, Kate McKay, Ivan McMeekin, Olive Moase, Frances Mocnik, Malina Monks, Anne Mossman, Sue-Lyn Moyle, Sarah Mufford, Kate Munnelly, Julie Nash, Gail Nichols, Stephanie Outridge-Field, Alan Peascod, Michelle Perrett, Holly Phillipson, Greg Piper, Zizipho Poswa, Jock and Mark Puautjimi, Eddie Puruntatameri, Brendan Ray, Katie Raylene, Ray Rixon, Jody Rallah, Anita Ratara, Tim Roberts, Emma Rose, Ben Ruble, Ebony Russell, Owen Rye, Jane Sawyer, Roshni Senapati, Clare Hollis Shepherd, Shigeo Shiga, Tatsuzo Shimaoka, Uday Singh, Leonard Smith, Penny Smith, Lucy Stewart Kenneth, Liz Stops, Doris Stuart Kngwarraye, Madhvi Subrahmanian, Jayanto Tan, Yasuo Terada, Jimmy K. Thaiday, Carlene Thompson, Douglas Thompson, Wendy Thompson, Lean Timms, Ilona Topolcsanyi, Anne-Marie Van de Ven, Prue Venables, Paolo Vicente Lim, Genevieve Walsh, Chris Weaver, Tony Webdale, Alice Whish, Carolyn J Wild, Alana Wilson, Zan Wimberley, Rachel Wood, Paul Wynn and Rory Young.
Cover: Carlene Thompson, Kalaya Ngura (Emu Country), 3 vases, 2020, stoneware sgraffito decoration, h.33cm, w.20cm, d.20cm, Pukatja, APY Lands / Adelaide SA Photo: Stuart Humphreys; Clay Dynasty, Powerhouse Museum, Ultimo NSW; opened October 2021
Published 20 November 2021
Editor: Vicki Grima
Editorial Assistant: Bridie Moran
Graphic Design: Astrid Wehling
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- Weight: 450gm
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