Gerry Wedd: Thong Cycle by Mark Thomson

Gerry Wedd: Thong Cycle by Mark Thomson

In the late 1980s the young surfer and artist, Gerry Wedd, came to the attention of Mambo Graphics, the iconoclastic surf-wear company. With his sense of humour, his subject matter, his encyclopedic knowledge of surfing culture, and his ‘scratch board’ style of drawing, Wedd found a spiritual home in Mambo and helped build the developing Mambo ethic. But there’s more to Gerry Wedd than Mambo. This title in the South Australian Living Artists (SALA) series showcases the work of a unique artist who works in a wide range of media, including ceramics, public art, jewellery and fabric design.

Publisher: Wakefield Press ISBN 9781862547964 192 pages
190 x 170 mm

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  • Weight: 1305gm

$ 45

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The Australian Ceramics Association
SQ1 Studios, 32 Bowden St, Alexandria NSW 2015
PO Box 677 Alexandria NSW 1435
T: +61 (0)2 9698 0230 (outside Australia)
Contact 1300 720 124