Small Portable Woodfired Kiln by Steve Harrison

Small Portable Woodfired Kiln by Steve Harrison

‘I have been building these small portable wood fired kilns for a few decades now, and I have had so many requests from potters for the plans on how to do it themselves, but I didn’t get around to drawing up formal plans until now. This book shows in detail how to construct such a small portable kiln.’

The book includes detailed description and colour images of the process, taking you step by step through the construction and manufacture of the various parts, and final assembly. It also has 8 sheets of technical drawings with specifications and dimensions.

There are instructions on setting up, packing and firing technique. It also includes directions on how the kiln can built as a ‘dual fuel’ version of the kiln, so that it can be set up to fire with LPGas as an alternative fuel to wood, for use during total fire bans.

This title is home-printed and self-published.

Published by Hot & Sticky, August 2024
12,000 words, 127 colour images

Other titles by Steve Harrison:
Laid Back Wood Firing
Rock Glazes, Geology & Mineral Processing for Potters
5 Stones: A Ceramic Journey

  • Stock available
  • Requires shipping
  • Weight: 350gm

$ 50

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The Australian Ceramics Association
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