The Journal of Australian Ceramics, Vol 61 No 3, November 2022
Editor Vicki Grima says: In our third and final issue for 2022, it’s all about MAKING & SELLING. Starting with Damon Moon looking at the place of Gwyn Hanssen Pigott in Australian ceramics, we move on to a recent survey of woodfiring, then on to cover the production side of things with Studio Enti, and a look back to the ceramic pipes of colonial Sydney. We cover the amazing new Ace Hotel in Sydney which is full of ceramics, Mechelle Bounpraseuth who uses humour, scale and brilliant technical skill in her recent exhibition work, a report from Dianne Peach, after her judging of the North QLD ceramic awards, ceramic coins, porcelain moon jars, naked raku and how to get the most out of your kiln elements. There is surely something for everyone!
Featured in JAC 613: Featured in JAC 613: Ace Hotel Sydney, Sue Acheson, Glenn Barkley, Robert Barron, Dr Julie Bartholomew, Penelope Benton, Chloe Borich, Mechelle Bounpraseuth, Paula Bowie, Gretel Bull, Ursula Burgoyne, Sophia Cai, Barbara Campbell-Allen, Michael Carney, Natasha Chant, Njalikwa Chongwe, Jennifer Conroy-Smith, Dale Cox, Zoë Croggon, Cuptain Planet, Mark Curtis, Fiona Cuthbert O’Meara, Eva Czernis-Ryl, Margaret Dodd, Kate Dorrough, Laura Dortmans, Catherine Drinan, Scott Duncan, Mark Duyvesteyn, Coby Edgar, Lise Edwards, Studio Enti, Merran Esson, Ann Ferguson, Noel Flood, Carol Fraczek, Em Frank, Simone Fraser, Claire Freer, Neville French, Matsutani Fumio, Shannon Garson, Marea Gazzard, Harriet Geater-Johnson, Esther Gow, Dr Antony Gross, Gwyn Hanssen Pigott, Steve Harrison, Hermannsburg Pottery, Jolene Hewison, Mahala Hill, Janet Hummerston, Judith Inkamala, Mildred Inkamala, Pamela Irving, Emma Jimson, Steven W. Joyce, Daniel Lafferty, James Lemon, Kerryn Levy, Chrystie Longworth, Kerrie Lowe Gallery, Jen Lyall, Jann Kesby, Kimwoochang, Anke Klevjer, Sarah Matthews, Ben Mazey, Denise McDonald, Suvira McDonald, Laith McGregor, Bruce McWhinney, Pauline Meade, Sean Miller, Damon Moon, Giorgio Morandi, Anne Mosey, Anne Mossman, Hazi Nagel, Nell, Jodi Newcombe, Nabilah Nordin, Catherine and Warren Ogden, Graham Oldroyd, Mike Olsen, Suzuki Osamu, Shelley Panton, Klytie Pate, Mark Patterson, Dianne Peach, Alan Peascod, Lee-Anne Peters, Kenya Peterson, Peter Phillips, Hannah Presley, Liz Ranger-Craven, Simon Reece, Remued, Billie Robertson, Mel Robson, Stewart Scambler, Grace Seccombe, Cher Shackleton, Andrew Shapiro, Avital Sheffer, Gabriella Smart, Leonard Smith, Renee So, Dr Fiona Starr, Tangentyere Artists, Naomi Taplin, Harlinah Teoh, Geoff Thomas, Anne Nginyangka Thompson, Juliet van Oirschot, Andrea Vinkovic, Hannah Vorrath-Pajak, Sally Walk, Vanessa Walsh, Gerry Wedd, Astrid Wehling, Bowie Wong, Chris Wright, Hayashi Yasuo and Tanaka Yū.
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- Weight: 450gm
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