Laid Back Wood Firing by Steve Harrison

Laid Back Wood Firing by Steve Harrison

This new, enlarged and revised 8th edition of Laid Back Wood Firing has new kiln designs, plans and images to support the ever increasing text.

This book was first published in 1977 in an edition of 500 copies and only a third the size of the recent edition. It is still Harrison’s intention that it should remain a small kiln-side handbook as a guide for the potter who has not fired a down draught fire box (Bourry) kiln before, or has little experience of it.

The text provides a general description of the firing routine, followed by a more detailed description of what might be encountered during each stage of the firing. This is followed by a detailed description of wood firing combustion, and finally a series of kiln plans that illustrate the major variations on the theme.

This title is home-printed and self-published.

8th edition, August 2023
60, 000 words
ISBN 0975053019
Published by Hot & Sticky
Soft cover
134 pages

Other titles by Steve Harrison:
5 Stones: A Ceramic Journey
Rock Glazes, Geology & Mineral Processing for Potters
Small Portable Woodfired Kiln

  • Stock available
  • Requires shipping
  • Weight: 340gm

$ 60

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The Australian Ceramics Association
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