TACA Membership with Insurance

TACA Membership with Insurance

The Australian Ceramics Association (TACA) is a national, non-profit organisation representing the interests of practising professional ceramicists, students of ceramics and all those interested in Australian ceramics.


  • a 1-year print subscription to The Journal of Australian Ceramics
  • Touch Clay Weekly, a weekly email about events, opportunities and resources related to ceramics practice
  • Free listings in Touch Clay Weekly
  • An artist listing on the Australian Ceramics Directory
  • Eligibility to apply for TACA’s national biennial exhibitions
  • Free access to Australian Ceramics Tools for Practice recordings
  • Australian Ceramics Open Studios (national annual event); participation fee applies
  • 10% discount on Australian Ceramics Online Masterclasses
  • Click HERE for more detailed membership information.

Insurer: SLE Worldwide Australia Pty Ltd
Policy: Public & Product Liability $20M cover
Read the summary HERE.

Please review policy wording and policy schedule for full terms and conditions HERE.

Duty of Disclosure:
Before you enter into a contract of insurance, you have a duty under the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Clth) to disclose anything that you know, or could reasonably be expected to know, that may affect the insurer’s decision to insure you and on what terms. You have that duty after proposal, and up until the time the insurer agrees to insure you. You have the same duty before you renew, extend, vary or reinstate a contract of insurance.


  • Public & Product Liability cover provides you with cover in case a third party sues you for injury or property damage done to them by your activities, or from the products you have sold.
  • This policy is designed for members who have revenue no greater than $50,000 after tax, and who have never had a liability claim.
  • While this cover can extend to activities of members, it is not designed for commercial operations.
  • 12 months Group Liability Insurance fee is in addition to the standard annual membership fee.
  • The insurance cover is available to individuals only, not groups.

  • Stock available

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The Australian Ceramics Association
SQ1 Studios, 32 Bowden St, Alexandria NSW 2015
PO Box 677 Alexandria NSW 1435
T: +61 (0)2 9698 0230 (outside Australia)
Contact 1300 720 124